How I Ditched My Walker in 6 Weeks

I suffered a back injury back in my 20's that was exacerbated by a good ole stretch and twist in May of 2023. I was barely able to walk around my house by July. I couldn't lie on a table to get acupuncture or chiropractic care. While I was waiting for my MRI my condition got much worse.
August 31, 2023 was the day I got my walker. It originally belonged to my Mor-Mor (Swedish for mother’s mother). I was so grateful to have wheels to help me get around. Hence the huge smile on my face, despite still being in incredible pain. 
I got cortisone shots in September and October of 2023 with little improvement. 
I used an inversion table everyday that did helped a lot with disc compression, but the nerve pain shooting down my leg persisted. I spent too many days looking out the window wishing I could take a walk. 
In early December 2023 I started drinking blended greens 🥬 for breakfast EVERY SINGLE DAY.
I didn't notice an improvement in pain right away, but my mobility improved tremendously. Did it heal everything? No, but it enabled me to get to the chiropractor, do the physical therapy. The decrease in inflammation was incredible. 
Jan 18, 2024 was the day I stopped using my walker
  • 8 months after my injury onset (herniated discs)
  • 4 months after epidural cortisone injections
  • 6 WEEKS after starting a blended greens diet
  • That’s the power of blended bitter greens 💪🥬
The key was having this greens elixir ready to drink, waiting for me in my refrigerator. It was staring me in the face every morning. I was blown away by the improvement in my inflammation, especially when I hadn't really changed anything else. And my sugar cravings went away without me really noticing, another big surprise.
Then I got my husband, the boxer, hooked. He also wanted beets and turmeric for recovery, and now we have Berserker Juice.
The truly transformational stories I've seen and read from others who took the plunge into consuming blended greens daily are inspiring. Eradicating parasites, improving rosacea, lessening nerve pain, replenishing red blood cells, lowering liver enzymes, the list of benefits is long and vast. 
Having a serving of Valkyrie's Power Blend staring 👀 you in the face every morning when you open your refrigerator is the best way to get your daily greens. It's the easy button. 
Millions of people who've added blended or juiced greens to their daily diet have reported a 🌈 rainbow of beneficial side effects including: 
😶Clearer skin 
💪Reduced muscle/joint inflammation 
🦠Stronger gut microbiome
🚽Improved digestion
🤎More stable blood sugars
🦷Stronger tooth enamel
...and much, much more...
We rotate our hearty bitter greens mix every week, including a rotating blend of: curly kale, dino kale, red kale, swiss chard, rainbow chard, collard greens, beet greens, and <pause for breath> carrot tops.
And our blends always includes parsley and dandelion greens because of their powerful benefits supporting the liver in doing what it does everyday… detoxifying the body.
I'll leave the softer lettuces like spinach, romaine, and butter lettuce for your wraps and salads, as they are easier to chew.
Pain can be a great motivator to start viewing food as medicine. I want to help improve the lives of people living with chronic pain, inflammation, gut health issues and more. There is life outside the window. You won't know what blended greens can do for your body and mind until you try it and stick with it, even when it gets boring and motivation wanes. 
Having it delivered weekly keeps you accountable.
And now I am challenging YOU to start a new habit of including blended greens in your diet for 6 WEEKS, and find out what it can do for your health. Factor it into your weekly meal budget, blend it at home. I don't care how you get it, just get it. I've already given you the recipe. All you have to do is drink it.
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