How To Drink Our Blended Green Juices
You're finally trying out some of Valkyrie's Power Blends and your order is on it's way. Now what?
You should receive your order within 2-5 days. We only ship Monday - Thursday to ensure you receive your order fresh by Friday.
Day 1 When you receive your order: you should receive two 32 ounce pouches. They should be cold and might be partially frozen.
- Put one pouch in the refrigerator
- Put the other in the freezer. (Move it to the fridge on day 3.)
- Each 32 ounce pouch has about 3.5 servings, and should stay fresh in the fridge for up to 5 days (but you'll drink it in 4, right?!).
- Finish all your blended green juices by day 7, just in time for your next weekly shipment.
- It's concentrated and meant to be diluted so it's light, not too sweet and not too bitter. Drinks like a hydrating juice, not a smoothie.
Break your fast with blended greens. Start your morning how you normally do. If you drink coffee, tea, or lemon juice, enjoy that. This is intended to be your first FOOD of the day. Drink it about 15 minutes before you eat any other food for maximum absorption and benefit.
- Shake it up, there's natural separation of fiber from the juice.
- Pour 8-9 ounces into your sippy cup of choice
- Add about 4-8 ounces of additional filtered water (mellows out the bitters from the fiber in the greens)
- Add ice if you feel like it
- Or drink it straight out of the pouch if you feel like it
If you're an intermittent-faster: Our blended greens are PERFECT for intermittent fasting. I often find that drinking this around 11 am or noon is filling on it's own, and can help you push out your first big meal of the day by a few extra hours.
There's really no way to screw this up, it's just food. If you want to get the maximum benefit from drinking your greens, make it the first food that hits your stomach. Drinking on an empty stomach ensures maximum absorption of nutrients.
- The chlorophyll rich elixir strengthens your stomach acid, is naturally alkalizing, and some fascinating new research suggests it can protect against endocrine disruptors. *Especially significant for women going through reproductive health challenges and/or menopause. (PubMed Central)
- Chlorophyll makes the liver more efficient, binding to and carrying toxins out of the body more effectively, as well as preventing a build up of toxins in the liver.
- Omega 3 Fatty Acids in dark leafy greens can help prevent heart disease and stroke, may help control autoimmune disorders, eczema, and inflammatory conditions.
- The fiber from the greens creates a gelatinous layer in your stomach which slows the absorption of the glucose in your proceeding meal and keeps blood sugars stable.